Single Touch Payroll Submission
This screen enables you to approve and declare the Single Touch Payroll (STP) Reporting Data and submit it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Likewise, this screen allows you to review your STP submission status.
- STP File generated during the Update Payrun
Rules and Guidelines
- In processing Single Touch Payroll, you run your pay as normal. STP-related information is automatically generated during the Update Payrun step.
You may review the data via the Single Touch Payroll Report and Single Touch Payroll Exceptions Report produced via the Update Payrun.
Once reviewed and checked that the data is correct, you can then go to the Single Touch Payroll Submission screen, search for the payrun you created the file/s for, and send the data to the ATO by clicking the Send to ATO button. You will be required to approve and declare the submission (i.e. on the pop-up that will display once the button is clicked). Each ABN/ Company within a Payrun Group will have its own STP File that will require submission.
- The layout of this screen varies depending on the status of the file you are currently viewing:
Submission Status
Value Description G Data Generated - The STP information is generated. D Ready for Download - The STP Gateway is not required. User will download the file instead. 3 Signed and Downloaded - Third-Party Gateway is selected and the declaration has been signed. R Ready to Submit to ATO - The User has acknowledged that data is correct. S Submitted to ATO - The STP file is delivered to ATO. X Submission Failed - The XML could not be sent to the ATO. Preceda will intervene. F Finalised/ Processed Without Issue - The ATO has received the file and responded with Success. E Error/ Processed With Issue - The ATO has responded with Error. O File Obsolete NOTE: During Payrun Reset the status of STP Submissions associated to the pay run being reset are checked: If the status is G, D or O, then the STP Submission is deleted; otherwise the pay run reset timestamp is populated.
It may be the case that once you click on the Send to ATO button (i.e. for Status 'G' Data Generated), it may not immediately be received by the ATO. Once the file has been received by the ATO, the Data Generated status 'G' will become 'S' Submitted to ATO.
- The ATO will then process the data in one to five days, and may identify issues in the data. Any issues encountered by the ATO will be available on this screen's Issues reported by ATO section (i.e. available for Status 'E' Processed with Issues), and can be corrected in time for the next payrun.
You may download the errors in CSV by clicking the CSV file button.
- If you want to "Single Touch" the process, you may add the Task ID STP Declaration and File Submission to the One Step Payrun Template. Doing so enables the parameters on the One Step Process Payrun for the automatic processing of Single Touch Payroll so that every ABN/ Company within the Payrun Group will be approved,declared, and submitted.
- This screen has Payrun Environment level of security. It takes into account the Environment you are in when displaying STP records. The Results List will only display records that belong to the Active Pay Environment. When in a Blank Environment, records from ALL Environments will be displayed.
Screen Details

This displays the Payrun Group being processed.

This displays the Payrun Environment being processed.

This displays the date when the employee will receive pay.
If the date is not entered, this will default to the Period End Date with the format DD/MM/YY.

This displays the date until when the employee will be paid up to.

This displays details of the employer such as the business name, Australian Business Number (ABN), number of employees included in the STP Report as well as the gross and tax being withheld by the employer.

This refers the employee's Company.

This defines a lower level of reporting and costing after Level 1 - Company.
This is usually the State where the employee's Company is located.

This number is issued by the Australian Business Registrar and is an 11 digit number.

This displays the name of the Business the employee is working for.

This refers to the number of unique employee instances reported to the ATO via STP. A unique employee instance is made up of the Employee ID Number and the Transfer Number.

This refers to the Payrun Payer Gross under STP reporting as specified in the Business Implementation Guide provided by the ATO.
Note: This field is hidden when the Submission Type is Update Event (i.e. including Finalisation, Reset, and Amendment).

This refers to the calculated Total Tax withheld in the payrun.
Note: This field is hidden when the Submission Type is Update Event (i.e. including Finalisation, Reset, and Amendment).

This refers to the Payrun Payer Child Support Garnishee Deductions under STP reporting as specified in the Business Implementation Guide provided by the ATO.
Note: This field is hidden when the Submission Type is Update Event (i.e. including Finalisation, Reset, and Amendment).

This refers to the Payrun Payer Child Support Deductions under STP reporting as specified in the Business Implementation Guide provided by the ATO.
Note: This field is hidden when the Submission Type is Update Event (i.e. including Finalisation, Reset, and Amendment).

This section gives you an overview on the status of submission to the ATO. Likewise, it provides details such as submission ID and the date when data is declared and submitted.

This indicates the type of submission performed. The system determines the Submission Type automatically.
Value | Description |
P | Pay Event |
U | Update Event |
F | Full File Replacement |

This indicates the system-generated status of the outbound event.
Value | Description |
G | Data Generated - The STP information is generated. |
D | Ready for Download - The STP Gateway is not required. User will download the file instead. |
3 | Signed and Downloaded - Third-Party Gateway is selected and the declaration has been signed. |
R | Ready to Submit to ATO - The User has acknowledged that data is correct. |
S | Submitted to ATO - The STP file is delivered to ATO. |
X | Submission Failed - The XML could not be sent to the ATO. Preceda will intervene. |
F | Finalised/ Processed Without Issue - The ATO has received the file and responded with Success. |
E | Error/ Processed With Issue - The ATO has responded with Error. |
O | File Obsolete |
NOTE: During Payrun Reset the status of STP Submissions associated to the pay run being reset are checked: If the status is G, D or O, then the STP Submission is deleted; otherwise the pay run reset timestamp is populated.

This is a system-wide unique identifier.

A Message ID is a unique string of characters the ATO send back with an STP Submission. When a file is sent to ATO from the Preceda Gateway, a unique Message ID is assigned.
When contacting the ATO or Support, you will need to provide this Message ID for easy look up of your submission.

This is the unique submission ID that is identifiable by the Payroll User (i.e. 'YE/AMEND/RESET' + '-' + [Payrun Group] + [Date] + [Time] + [Employer Level 1] + [Level 2] if event was generated within the payrun).

This displays the date and time when this event is generated.

This is the actual date when the Payroll User clicked on the Submit button on STP Declaration and File Submission dialog.

This displays the Payroll User making the declaration.
The User ID is used to retrieve the Name from the associated Employee ID Number. If the User does not have an ID Number associated with it, this defaults to the AS/400 User ID.

This displays the actual date when the document is submitted to the ATO.

This section is only displayed when the file has a status of 'E' Processed with Issues. This provides you the total count of errors and an overview on the employees and error messages encountered during the submission.
A CSV File button is available should you need to extract and download the errors in CSV format.

This is a unique identifier assigned to the payee in the payer's payroll system.

This is the employee's Transfer Number that is associated with the Employee ID (i.e. an Employee ID may have multiple Transfer Numbers) for uniqueness.

This displays the code representing the error.

This indicates whether the record is an Error or a Warning.

This provides you a description of the error.

This button is available when the Submission Status is in G (Data Generated), D (Ready for Download), or O (File Obsolete). Clicking this button downloads the Single Touch Payroll File.

This button is available in any Submission Status other than G or D (e.g. 'R' Ready to Submit to ATO or 'E' Processed with Issues). Clicking this button downloads the Signed XML File.

Click this button to approve, declare, and submit the selected file/s to the ATO.
This button is only available for Status G (Data Generated). Once clicked, a declaration window will pop up for you to declare and authorise the file/s to send to the ATO.
Once the file has been received by the ATO, the Data Generated status G will become S (Submitted to ATO).

This button is only available when the Submission Status is in D (Ready for Download). This means that the STP Gateway is not required, and the user will download the file instead.
Selecting a Third-Party Gateway on the Single Touch Payroll Configuration screen then clicking this button, you will be prompted with a declaration pop-up window. Signing the declaration changes the D Status to 3 (Signed and Downloaded).

Click this button to download the ATO response file.
This button is only available for Status E (Process with Issues).

Clicking this button will extract all issues displayed on the screen into a CSV file.
This button will only appear when the Status is E (Processed with Issues).